A Reflection From Pastor Roxanne

I have mixed feelings about the hype leading up to Christmas.

On one level, I want to soak it all in like a wide-eyed child running down the stairs on Christmas morning. I get excited when Christmas lights go up, which brightens my spirits on these dark winter nights. I love attending church and not-for-profit bazaars where I can stock up on baking or handmade gifts. I love going to concerts and hearing the breathtaking music of the season. I enjoy Christmas specials on television, and though I hate to admit it, I am not immune to being lured into watching a Hallmark movie from beginning to end. I love the generosity that people seem to get caught up in as they join toy drives that will bring smiles to a child’s face on Christmas morning. I love pulling out decorations when December begins, and I embrace the feelings of nostalgia when I put up something from my own childhood days.

But there is another side of Christmas that wears me down. I get annoyed by how quickly the retailers don their decorations, as I know this is a trick to get consumers to spend as much as possible before the season’s end. I feel anxious for the people in my life who stress themselves out with unrealistic expectations to have everything “perfect”. I feel sad for those who feel out of step with a season of peace and joy because of trouble in their hearts, homes or country. I feel worried for those who struggle with present circumstances or past memories that cast a pall of sadness over the glittering lights.

And I know that I am not alone. Many people approach this season with a complex mix of emotions and thoughts.

I am always best able to navigate this complex season through the door of Advent. Advent helps us to focus on preparing our hearts for the spiritual celebration of Christmas. Even if I were not a minister, I know I would not be as grounded without a connection to a church community. Being in a pew may seem out of date, but there is nothing like singing carols with others sitting beside me. There is nothing like being in community to hear ancient stories that remind me that hope, peace, joy and love are possible for our world and for each of our lives.

Despite the complexities it brings, I hope that this season finds a way of reaching into your soul and reminding you of the promise that it holds…God is with us just as God was with the world long ago through the birth of an innocent child.

“Holy God, send your Holy Spirit upon our preparations for Christmas.
We who have so much to do and seek quiet spaces to hear your voice each day,
We who are anxious over many things look forward to your coming among us.
We who are blessed in so many ways long for the complete joy of your kingdom.
We whose hearts are heavy seek the joy of your presence.
We are your people, walking in darkness yet seeking the light.
To you we say, “Come Lord Jesus!’ Amen.”

– Henri J.M. Nouwen


Advent Services

Our Advent candle lighting this year will focus on the young people of our church sharing a symbol that represents hope, peace, joy or love. As you hear about their personal symbols during our worship services, reflect on what symbols are meaningful to you and how they help you to feel the hope, peace, joy and love that this season brings.

Christmas Eve ~ 6:00 p.m. December 24th

We look forward to seeing all of you at this family-friendly service. Our service will include beautiful music, peaceful candlelight, inspiring reflections and a shortbread communion. We hope to see people of all ages, old-timers and newcomers, friends and relatives out for this special service.

Blessings this Advent Season,                 Pastor Roxanne